About me


Hello everyone!!!!!
Welcome to my blog. If you are here, I’m guessing you are either an autistic individual yourself, have a loved one on the autism spectrum, or are curious about autism. Well, then, you are in the right place. My blog is all about my family’s journey with my son’s autism – the highs, the lows; the stories that made us laugh and cry, and those that amazed us. Most importantly, you’ll find stories straight from the heart, stories that are real.
When I married the love of my life, I thought my life could not get any better, and then my son Vedant was born. Our lives have never been anything but extraordinary since then. We have found more joy and happiness than we could have asked for, and then some … and a fair share of challenges that we did not sign up for.  Vedant has been our teacher, our inspiration and our strength and you will see the same spirit reflect in all of my stories.
While I was working for a long time as a software engineer, my son’s autism gave me my mission. I am now an avid autism advocate and through my blog I hope to spread autism awareness, understanding and acceptance.
You will also find my blogs on Yahoo, AutismSpeaks,The Mighty, Medium, Autism Parenting Magazine , Momspresso, and several other online publications. I was also names under the top 11 “Autism Superstars” by AngelSesnse in 2017.