My lone stalk

Last fall, I planted a jasmine cutting from a healthy, thriving jasmine plant. I was skeptical about its success, but…

3 years ago

Of forms and failures and why they fail my son

He may not be the cheetah we love to see but he is that snail that leaves behind a silver…

3 years ago

My son has a friend!

Autism has many challenges. Many of those limit my son’s ability to experience things that would make a huge difference…

4 years ago

My hope is stubborn

Let me state this at the start of this post--my son is one heck of autistic. What this means is…

4 years ago

7 Traits of my son I wish I had

Like most individuals on the autism spectrum, my son has his fair share of challenges. Most days, we are focused…

4 years ago

The arrogance of being me

Since my mom passed away 9 yrs back, I have made it a point to call my dad every morning…

4 years ago

A different kind of happy

Happiness has an interesting ability to shift shapes. Just like a liquid, it will seep in, squeeze into, or fill…

4 years ago

An urgent care trip that turned into a miracle

  When my son was diagnosed with autism, I remember feeling numb. For several months I felt like my life,…

4 years ago

It’s OK to not understand

They say, “I understand” is one of the kindest 2 words that you can say to someone. But is it?…

4 years ago

OK Google, Wheels on the Bus

My son loves a good conversation. I see his eyes light up when I talk to him. He knows words…

4 years ago